Joining SSPC is as easy as;

If you already have a Victorian General Category Handgun Licence and are a member of another approved handgun club,

Complete the Membership Application form.

Include a copy of your current Gen Cat H Licence.

Include a “letter of referral” from your existing club.

Include a copy of your SSAA membership card / or join SSAA and include a copy of your receipt.

Include a copy of your originating club Handgun Safety Awareness Course Certificate.

OR, those without a copy are required to complete the SSPC Handgun Safety Awareness Course, then submit a copy of their certificate with the membership application.

(Make sure to choose the Handgun Safety Course)

We also welcome shooters from other clubs as visitors and for all attending requirements, please pre-email

If you already have an Australian interstate handgun licence,

You Complete the Membership Application form,

Include a copy of your current Handgun Licence.

Include a “letter of referral” from your existing club.

Include a copy of your SSAA membership card / or join SSAA and include a copy of your receipt.

Advise Victoria Police, Licensing & Regulation Division that you intend transferring into Victoria, and confirm current registry requirements.

02. by post to: Licensing & Regulation Division, GPO 2807, Melbourne 3001.
03. by phone: 1300 651 645

All interstate prospective members are required to complete the SSPC Handgun Safety Awareness Course,
then submit a copy of their certificate with the membership application.

(Make sure to choose the Handgun Safety Course)

We also welcome shooters from other clubs as visitors and for all attending requirements, please pre-email

If you are a licensed international shooter and would like to tour/use our facilities,
please make contact with us prior to your visit via email to: