31 Mar IPSC
International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)
Practical shooting is a truly international discipline that is practiced in over 52 countries worldwide with local, state, national, regional and international championships happening on a regular basis.
The sport of practical target shooting is different to most other forms of target shooting. In other forms, a single type of target is used (most often a round paper target with concentric scoring zones and a “bulls eye” in the middle). Also the rules for target engagement are specific, and so the shooting match is conducted in exactly the same manner match to match.
This allows competitors to practice the exact same competition itself over and over again until perfected.
This is Not so in IPSC!
In IPSC, a variety of target types are used (both paper and steel, stationary and moving, scoring targets and penalty targets).
There is no set way these targets are arranged, nor even how many targets are used in a single match.
IPSC “Super Sunday”
Monthly Competition
Quick Details – more when you register or calendar
3 or 4 Ranges – 6-12 Stages x 100 rounds min – 60-80 Entries
MAX – Open to other clubs!
Rules: IPSC Rules will apply
IPSC Membership Required: Yes – must be produced along with license on attendance
All competitors MUST be IPSC Holster Qualified

A competition organiser creates a number of “stages” (conforming to a set of IPSC design rules), each using different numbers and arrangements of targets, to create a shooting challenge that the competitors have to solve as accurately and as rapidly as possible.
Only one competitor at a time shoots a stage and at all times this competitor is under the direct observation and control of a trained Range Officer whose primary task is to enforce the match safety rules.
Practical shooting is a safe sport, and IPSC training, rules and procedures will ensure that this continues.
Handgun (Pistol)
In Victoria, IPSC competitions are for centre-fire pistols and revolvers of calibres from 9mm to .45 caliber.
Stages start most often with pistols holstered on the belt however, may also require a start from a barrel, seated and or with your hands loose by your sides, clasped above your head and most stages will require the competitor to perform reloads of the pistol during the stage.
IPSC is dynamic in nature and a multitude of basic handgun skills must be combined in almost perfect symmetry in order to be successful.

Rifle / Shotgun
Occasionally, competitions are also held for rifle and shotgun that allow for multi-discipline competition.
Course of Fire
Practical shooting competitors do not train by shooting the same, set competition over and over again.
There is no set competition.
Instead they practise the skills that are required to fit them to engage whatever stages a match organiser may throw at them.
These can include cardboard “IPSC Standard” and mini IPSC targets, steel “Poppers” and many apparatus based targets that include swinging, dropping and turning, disappearing and “clam shell” or peeping targets.
All of these combined ensure that a significant shooting course is presented to the shooter where their Accuracy, Power and Speed are tested and challenged in each stage being shot.

Club Competitions
How do you get started in IPSC?
It is HIGHLY recommended that any new shooter to IPSC at SSPC come and participate as an observer to one of the competitions in order to see how the competition operates and the dynamic, fun filled environment that exists within this area of the club.
As an observer you are encouraged to get involved by assisting to “reset stages” and ask questions of our members who regularly compete in this discipline to see if it is right for you.
It is a club rule for the IPSC discipline however, that NORI shooters are not permitted to shoot due to the skills and complexities required in shooting and reloading while “on the move”.
When attending any IPSC competition, it is mandatory for all shooters to wear suitable attire which includes pants or shorts with at least three belt loops. This is to ensure that the belt holding the holster is firmly held in place at all times.
How do you start competing in IPSC?
Must hold category H handgun licence
Have had a minimum 3 months shooting ISSF on Range 1,
Have attended and passed the Introduction to IPSC Course as available here Book Online
Have joined IPSC Australia, unless
Already have the above and/or already be an IPSC competitor transferring into SSPC from another club.
All new shooters in IPSC with SSPC must have completed the Introduction to IPSC Course as available from the events and bookings page.
Book OnlineBe sure to select the Introduction to IPSC Course and note that attendee numbers are limited to 4 for safety and time reasons.
There is an amount of pre reading course work and a theory assessment to be completed PRIOR to attending the on range practical component.
For more information email info@sspc.org.au
- New SSPC club shooters to IPSC have the option to use a selection of club owned handguns and equipment in order to confirm that the sport is right for them before investing in their own firearm.
- A current membership to IPSC Australia via IPSC Victoria will be required if a SSPC member intends to continue to shoot IPSC after completion of the course.
- When attending one of the SSPC IPSC club competitions, it is mandatory for the new shooters attire have suitable belt loops on trousers or shorts so that a firm (and therefore safe) fit of the equipment belt rig can be obtained before competing.
The SSPC IPSC Group meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 5.00pm on Ranges 3 and 4, and the 4th Sunday in each month from 08:00am.
Other Websites
In particular, please review the following sections of IPSC.org in the following order so as to give the information some structure;
The above links are intended to give you all an overview as to what is involved but is by no means everything all at once! Should you have any questions on any of the above, just get in touch and we will be only to happy to assist.
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