01 Apr ISSF 25M
International Shooting Sport Federation
The traditional matches involve the use of rimfire .22LR and Centre Fire pistols that are shot at a standard ISSF target from 25M distance.
There are a number of courses in 25M ISSF that are shot at SSPC and they include;

N.R.A. Bulls eye competition
25m Standard Pistol is one of the ISSF shooting events introduced at the World Championship level in 1970.
The match consists of 3 separate time stages.
5 shots in 300 seconds,
5 shots in 20 seconds and
5 shots in 10 seconds. A total of 60 shots are fired.

ISSF 25 metre
The SPPC shoot the ISSF 25m Practice on Monday and Wednesday nights. Matches every other weeknight, also on Saturday and Sunday (check the Events Calendar for details).
25M Centre Fire & Rim Fire Pistol
The 25m Centre Fire match is shot with a handgun of any calibre between .9mm and .45 mm
The 25m Rim Fire match is shot with a handgun of .22 calibre
Using a revolver is not a disadvantage because there are no speed series of shots involved.
- Distance = 25 m
- Number of shots/time: Precision Stage = 30 shots, in two series of 15 shots, each series is 5 minutes.
Dueling Stage = 30 shots, in two series of 15 shots. Each series consists of 5 exposures of the target, each exposure is for 3 seconds; the shooter fires one shot per exposure. - Target: Precision Stage = 10 ring of 50 mm diameter, each ring increases by 50 mm.
Rapid Fire Stage = 10 ring of 100 mm diameter, each ring increases by 100 mm.

The SSPC shoot the ISSF 25m Practice on Mondays and Wednesdays, and matches every other weeknight, also on Saturday and Sunday.
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